Clews Palliser Cattle Oilers

Clews Palliser Cattle Oilers

We manufacture our own brand of cattle oilers right here in Central Alberta, with the plastics coming from Crossfield, natural hemp fibre rope cut to length in our Red Deer shop, steel manufacturing and welding in Drumheller, and mineral oil tanks from Lacombe.

Our simple solution for controlling parasites and improving herd health

Clews Palliser cattle oiler
cattle oiler with brush
cows using a cattle oiler rope

Cattle oilers are a beneficial addition to your pesticide treatment by allowing flexibility of treatment style
and prescription. We find customers use it all year-round, and gives the animal the ability to “self treat”
by scratching where they feel the bugs and pests are, and provides a real benefit for fly and lice control.

Adding a cattle oiler to your treatment cycle will increase calf weaning weight and lead to happier, healthier animals.